The role of olive oil


Olive oil and cardiovascular disease:

Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in industrial societies.A series of studies has shown that atherosclerosis is closely related to diet, lifestyle and some aspects of economic development.Atherosclerosis develops for many reasons: the most important are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and smoking.

There is evidence that olive oil is effective in preventing blood clots and platelet aggregation.A diet rich in olive oil has been observed to reduce blood clots caused by fatty foods.In countries where olive oil is the main edible oil, the incidence of heart disease is very low.

At the same time, olive oil lowers overall blood cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, also known as the "bad cholesterol") and lipid levels.At the same time, it does not change (or even increase) the level of HDL cholesterol, which prevents and prevents cellulite formation and eliminates LDL.There is evidence that olive oil consumption is effective in the initial prevention of cardiovascular disease and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.At the same time, secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease is also effective, it can prevent the recurrence of coronary heart disease.At present, studies have revealed that the Mediterranean diet has a preventive effect on secondary coronary heart disease and has a positive effect on the depression and depression caused by coronary heart disease.These findings are important for understanding the high incidence of depression in modern society and the high risk of recurrent heart disease.See IOOC's report on olive oil and cardiovascular disease.

Olive oil and diabetes:

Diabetes is one of the leading health problems in developed countries and is the sixth leading cause of death.It is one of the major metabolic diseases that can lead to many serious health complications, such as cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, blindness, peripheral circulatory disorders, etc. It is a very serious condition.

A diet rich in olive oil is not only an adjunct to diabetes treatment, but also helps prevent and delay the onset of the disease.It works by raising HDL cholesterol, lowering blood fat, keeping blood sugar levels high and lowering blood pressure to prevent insulin resistance and its potentially serious consequences.A diet rich in olive oil, low in saturated fat, moderately rich in carbohydrates and soluble dietary fiber in fruits, vegetables, beans and grains have proven to be the most effective way for diabetics to control their disease.In addition to lowering the "bad" LDL, the diet also improves blood sugar control levels and increases insulin sensitivity.See IOOC's report on olive oil and diabetes.

Olive oil and cancer:

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the developed world, and its incidence is barely rising.The development of a large number of malignancies is related to diet.Cellular oxidation is one of the main risks of cancer formation: the more readily cells oxidize, the greater the risk of cancer.The main cancers associated with diet are colon, rectal, prostate and breast cancer.Some recent studies suggest that the type of fat appears to be more associated with cancer cases than the amount of fat.

Epidemiological studies have shown that olive oil can prevent some malignant tumors (breast, prostate, endometrium, digestive tract).Many studies have shown that olive oil reduces the risk of breast cancer.Olive oil as the main edible oil can significantly reduce the incidence of cancer.Cancer is caused by mutations in cells, in part because toxins attack DNA when ingested through the diet.When toxins pass through the liver, they produce free radicals that then attack DNA.The body needs vitamins and antioxidants like those found in olive oil to fight these free radicals.

A diet rich in olive oil is reported to reduce the risk of bowel cancer.The preventive effect of olive oil on bowel cancer is incomparable to that of eating vegetables and fruits.New research confirms that olive oil may protect against colon cancer.More recently, research into olive oil's metabolic effects on fat, more specifically its protective effect on chronic liver Disease and gastrointestinal disorders known as Crohn's Disease, has been expanded.The results showed that olive oil had a good effect on precancerous lesions.After analyzing three diets, the scientists came up with a variety of conclusions: the olive oil diet reduced the amount of cancer damage;The number of tumor development decreased significantly.The tumor was not serious, but healed well.This beneficial effect is related to oleic acid (the main monounsaturated fatty acid in olive oil).It has been observed that this fatty acid reduces the growth of prostaglandins derived from arachidonic acid and thus plays an important role in inhibiting the growth and development of tumors.

Of course, this beneficial effect does not exclude other olive oil components, such as antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenols, squalene and other positive effects.Squalene has a good effect on the skin and can reduce the incidence of melanoma.Some of the latest research focuses on the protective effect of olive oil on childhood leukemia and various tumors, such as squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.

The role of olive oil in cancer is still to be discovered, and there is no specific data on the mechanism of olive oil's prevention and inhibition of different cancers.But according to new data, olive oil plays a role in different stages of cancer formation.See IOOC's report on olive oil and cancer.

Antioxidant effects of olive oil:

The vitamin E, carotenoids, and phenolic compounds in olive oil (monophenols, such as hydroxytyrol and polyphenols, such as oleypicin) are antioxidants that have protective effects against certain diseases and against aging.Virgin olive oil has the highest levels of these antioxidants and trace elements.

The content of phenols in olive oil is closely related to the climatic conditions, the harvesting time and the ripening of olive fruit.Processing and storage methods also have some effects on phenols in olive oil.Phenols have many biological effects, such as the inhibitory effect of hydroxytyrol on platelet aggregation, anti-inflammatory effect, and the strong vasodilatation and antibacterial effect of olefin, which can promote the formation of nitric acid.Oxidized LDL can lead to atherosclerosis, and olive oil has an effective antioxidant protection against LDL.It also increases the ability of body cells to resist the toxic side effects of oxides.

Pure virgin olive oil injection ii is rich in these substances, has a strong antioxidant effect, can act as a scavenger, prevent free radical caused damage, and can prevent the formation of cancer.See IOOC's report on the strong antioxidant effect of olive oil.

Note 2: EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL is pure and original OLIVE OIL obtained through physical cold pressing.Refined olive oil, piv residue, or olive blend or blend (marketed as "pure olive oil," "100% pure olive oil," or "extra-pure olive oil"), and industrially processed olive oil cannot be called virgin olive oil.

Olive oil and blood pressure:

Hypertension is arterial hypertension.High blood pressure is defined when a blood pressure reading consistently exceeds 140/90 MMHG.Hypertension is one of the major risk factors in the development of atherosclerosis.It joins high cholesterol, smoking, obesity and diabetes as major health problems in developed countries.Like other risk factors, lifestyle has a direct impact on high blood pressure.One in four adults has high blood pressure.High blood pressure increases the risk of premature death due to damage to the body's arteries, especially those that supply blood to the heart, kidneys, brain and eyes.

It is not particularly clear what components of the Mediterranean diet are involved in lowering blood pressure.However, there is evidence that adding olive oil to the diet (without changing any other form) does reduce blood pressure.Regular consumption of olive oil lowers the heart's systolic and diastolic blood pressure.Recent evidence suggests that when olive oil is consumed, the daily dose of antihypertensive drugs taken can be reduced.This may be due to a decrease in nitric acid caused by polyphenols.See IOOC's report on olive oil and high blood pressure.

Olive oil and obesity:

Being obese or overweight means storing too much energy mainly in the form of fat.Obesity occurs when energy intake through diet exceeds energy expenditure.Obesity is a major health problem in western countries because people eat too much and do not exercise enough.Nowadays, urbanites are stressed and sedentary.More than half of the population in industrialized countries is overweight, leading to high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood fats, which increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Olive oil is a nutrient with high physiological value.Like all other fats and oils, olive oil is high in calories (9 kcal/g), which makes it seem that it is also contributing to obesity.However, experience shows that people living along the Mediterranean coast consume the most olive oil and are rarely obese.It turns out that a diet rich in olive oil is better for weight loss and lasts longer than a low-fat diet.See IOOC's report on olive oil and obesity.

Olive oil and the immune system:

The body's immune system modifies specific and non-specific mechanisms to help the body resist the invasion of external substances (such as toxins, microorganisms, parasites, and tumor processes).

There is evidence that eating olive oil helps the immune system fight off microbes, bacteria or viruses.It is well known that a lack of vitamins and minerals can negatively affect the immune system.New research shows that the fatty acids in olive oil help reduce important immune markers such as the proliferation of lymphocytes triggered by mitogens in B and T cells.It has been reported that these fatty acids play an important role in various immune functions.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease of the immune system that affects the joints of the body.Genes, infectious factors, hormones and diet are closely related to the onset of rheumatoid arthritis.According to a newly published study, regular consumption of olive oil can reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.The study found that people who ate little olive oil had a 2.5 times higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis than those who ate it regularly.Although the mechanism is not fully understood, antioxidants have a beneficial effect.See IOOC's report on olive oil and the immune system.

Olive oil and digestive system:

Olive oil is a very easy to digest and absorb fat.Olive oil is good for the whole digestive system, including the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and intestines.

In patients with stomach problems, when olive oil reaches the stomach, it does not cause a spasm in the lower esophageal ring or sphincter, reducing the flow of food and gastric juices from the stomach to the esophagus.At the same time, olive oil can also partially inhibit the movement of the stomach, so that the food in the stomach will enter the duodenum more slowly, "full" feeling is more obvious, so as to better promote digestion and the absorption of nutrients in the intestine.

One of the effects of olive oil on the hepatobiliary system is that it ACTS as a cholagogue, optimizing bile secretion and completely releasing bile from the gallbladder.Another effect of olive oil is to promote gallbladder contraction, which is very helpful in the treatment and prevention of bile duct problems.It also promotes the synthesis of bile salts in the liver and increases the level of cholesterol produced by the liver.Simply put, because of its beneficial effect on muscle tone and gallbladder activity, olive oil is good at promoting the digestion of oil (which is emulsified by bile) and preventing gallstones.

Olive oil produces a small amount of pancreatic secretions, which makes the organ less "functional," but it is efficient and fully functional.Olive oil is also suitable for pancreatic dysfunction diseases, such as pancreatic failure, chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, malabsorption syndrome and so on.

Because olive oil contains sitosterol, it also partially prevents cholesterol absorption into the small intestine and promotes the absorption of various nutrients (calcium, iron, magnesium, etc.).It also helps treat constipation and bad breath.See IOOC's report on olive oil and the digestive system.

Olive oil with pregnancy and children:

Olive oil is rich in vitamin E.During pregnancy, olive oil plays a very important role in fetal development.There is evidence that if the mother eats olive oil during pregnancy, the baby will be better in terms of height, weight, behavior and psychological reaction after birth.Fetal growth needs vitamin E.Newborn babies also need vitamin E to cope with oxidative stress after entering an aerobic environment.

During childbirth, vitamin E in the mother's blood is concentrated in the mammary gland, so during breast-feeding, the mother can continue to give the baby vitamin E supplement.Basic levels of this vitamin should be maintained during breastfeeding.Vitamin E is also particularly useful for premature and newborn infants with kidney and pancreatic problems because of its positive effects on the hepatobiliary system.Not only does olive oil provide adequate amounts of essential fatty acids for newborns, but the linoleic and linolenic acids (essential fatty acids) in olive oil are similar to those found in breast milk.The benefits of oleic acid (the main monounsaturated fatty acid in olive oil) go beyond pregnancy.In addition to preventing hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis, which may begin in childhood, oleic acid has been documented to have a positive effect on bone mineralization and bone development in young children.See IOOC's report on olive oil and mothers and babies.

Olive oil and anti-aging:

Olive oil is rich in a variety of antioxidants (vitamin E, polyphenols, etc.) that play an active role in eliminating free radicals and molecules associated with chronic disease and aging, as well as prolongating life expectancy (which has been demonstrated in some epidemiological studies).

Many of the diseases associated with aging are influenced by diet, especially osteoporosis and cognitive decline.Osteoporosis is a condition that reduces the volume of bone tissue and increases the risk of fracture.There are two types of osteoporosis, the first occurring in middle-aged, menopausal women and the second in older people.

Olive oil helps to absorb calcium and has a positive effect on bone calcification.The more olive oil you eat, the better your bones will mineralize.Therefore, olive oil can play an important role in the development and prevention of osteoporosis.

Olive oil, rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, protects against memory loss in the elderly.A study of the diets of older adults found that they were less likely to develop age-related cognitive decline after eating foods high in monounsaturated fats.The reason is that the body needs more monounsaturated fatty acids as it ages, which help keep the membranes of brain cells in shape.The study also revealed that olive oil consumption was inversely linked to age-related cognitive decline, memory loss, dementia and alzheimer's disease.See IOOC's report on olive oil and anti-aging.

Olive oil and skin:

Aging can lead to structural and functional skin damage.Skin tissue undergoes many changes.For example, the inner and outer layers of the skin (dermis and epidermis) become thinner, lose elasticity, lose some of the cushioning that connects the dermis and epidermis, and develop fibrosis as collagen diminishes, leaving skin tissue unable to fight and repair skin damage.External causes, such as the sun's rays, produce free radicals that accelerate skin aging.Despite cells' innate ability to neutralize free-radical aggression, inhibitors that reduce this risk are needed to reduce cell damage.

Olive oil is a natural inhibitor. Its oil characteristics are very similar to those of human skin.In addition to polyphenols, olive oil contains A certain percentage of vitamins A, D, K, and E.These vitamins protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.Therefore, olive oil can help treat some skin problems, such as acne, psoriasis and seborrheic eczema.See IOOC's report on olive oil and skin.

Note 1: the international council on olive oil is the supervisory and executive body of the international olive oil agreement.The standard formulated by this agency is one of the international standards recognized by our country.Above part by Xu Qingming translation international olive oil council official website "olive oil and health", such as reference, please refer to the original and the translator.For related papers, see the expert view, or GOOGLE scholar.

Epidemiologically, the low incidence of coronary heart disease in Crete is closely related to the Mediterranean diet of olive oil.

Olive oil for people of all ages:

For infants and toddlers: olive oil helps balance metabolism and promotes nervous system, bone and brain development in children.

For adults: helps prevent atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and digestive disorders.

For the elderly: olive oil is good for preventing osteoporosis.Can slow down the decline of cell membrane changes, thereby delaying aging.

For women: olive oil contains a variety of nutrients, very powerful for the skin, is a safe and reliable beauty, known in the west as "beauty oil"